TICKET: D&D Table with Marc - April 16 @ 7:30pm

Only 1 left
Regular price $15.00

NOTE: Choose "local pickup" during checkout. Thanks!

Players new and experienced are welcome at the first-ever D&D game run at Latchkey. Marc will be your DM. He's run games for over a decade, usually with a lot of focus on character, flavor, and creative choices. But expect at least one fun combat, too!

This will be a "one shot," meaning that it'll be a self-contained adventure. For this first game, you can bring a character or choose from a set I'll have ready for you. 

Bring dice and drinks. We'll have snacks and games. (And if you need dice, we sell em. But someone can loan you a set, too.)

There are only 5 seats, so grab yours fast!